ArtSeed Grant is supported in part by a grant from the
Wisconsin Arts Board
with funds from the State of Wisconsin.

We Promote the
Positive Power of Art
Founded in 1967, Racine Arts Council encourages, supports and advocates on behalf of emerging and established artists, artistic groups in our community, and young people interested in the arts.
We Support Emerging and Established Artists
Our ArtSeed grant program encourages and enhances the arts in the Racine area and fosters excitement, support and growth in the arts in our community. Artists from Racine County may apply for an ArtSeed grant to help fund projects.
We Support
Young People Interested in the Arts
Our ArtSeed grant program helps foster the arts in our community by funding arts related projects by local non-profit organizations. Past grant recipients have included BONK!, Choral Arts Society, Racine Art Museum, Over Our Head Players, and many others.
We Support the Underserved in our Community
ArtStart makes art accessible to our community, no-matter their socio-economic status. Through ArtStart, adults and children alike are provided with the opportunity to experience and appreciate art in all its forms.
Lonely Instruments Need Kids (LINK) is designed to give donated instruments to children who are financially unable to purchase or rent an instrument of their own.